Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Our Larger Sangha

We have some opportunities in the coming weeks and months to visit/support/interact with other sanghas.

On Sunday February 3, Zen Master Dae Kwang will be giving a talk at the Kansas Zen Center following practice. Practice runs from 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. The talk follows. ZMDK is the school abbot and a monk and a wonderful teacher. Margaret and I are planning to attend. We hope to see some of you there: perhaps we could go out for tea afterwards.

On Saturday February 23 and Saturday March 22, Prairy Erth Zen Center will host extended days of practice. You can visit their website at http://prairyerthzen.org

And, saving the best for last, MID-WEST SANGHA WEEKEND will be held on April 25-27 in Chicago. This will be an excellent opportunity to visit with Linc Rhodes, to meet other teachers (including Bobby Rhodes, the Guiding Teacher of our school, and Zen Master Dae Kwang, the School Abbot, among others), and to meet and practice with our Kwan Um Family members from Indy, Chicago, Madison, Milwaukee, and other places throughout the midwest. Let's all go!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Post Retreat

Thanks to everyone who helped make the retreat such a success: Bob for set-up and hosting Judy; Pete and Sam for cooking and site break down; Dick for hosting Linc and giving a great dharma talk; Matt for picking Linc up; Rebecca for moktok; and Margaret for shopping, cooking, and making sure I got the story right. Thanks, too, to Susan, Liatris, and Judy for helping out with the ceremony.

Here are some ceremony pics: thanks and congratulations for Rebecca for taking sixteen precepts and Dick for taking five.

Midshipman Marston comes aboard!

Everybody says "kim chee"!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

January Retreat

We are so happy that Linc Rhodes JDPSN will be leading our fourth retreat at the little schoolhouse on the prairie. We'll gather around 5:00 p.m. for an informal meal on Friday evening, January 25. The retreat will start at 6:30 and run through Sunday morning at 10 a.m. A precepts ceremony will follow the retreat at 11:00 a.m. Please join us!

If you'd like to register, please email us at tallgrasszen@yahoo.com.